Looking for top-notch cleaners Malta?
Your search ends here!
At Malta Elite Cleaning we specialize in providing premier cleaning services.
Our dedicated team of cleaners Malta ensures a pristine environment for your home or business

Looking for top-notch cleaning services in Malta? Look no further! Our Malta cleaning services ensure your space shines brighter than the Mediterranean sun. Contact us today for a sparkling clean! Please contact us at 9931112 to schedule an appointment.
Adapt to all your needs
Honesty and efficiency of utmost value
100% quality guaranteed
Special training for each employee​
Avaliable 24 hours 7 days a week

We offer a convenient and flexible cleaning service that can be scheduled for the same day only if booked before 12:00 p.m. For those who need same-day cleaning service, we can accommodate your request. Please contact us at 9931112 to schedule a same-day cleaning appointment.
Il-prezz tas-servizz huwa ċċarġjat kull siegħa / cleaner; irrispettivament mit-tip ta 'servizz li tagħżel, il-prezz fis-siegħa huwa l-istess!
Jekk għal xi raġuni, aħna ma nissodisfawx l-aspettattivi tiegħek, aħna nirritornaw fi żmien 24 siegħa u nwettqu tagħna gurantee tax-xogħol tagħna.
Aħna niggarantixxu sodisfazzjon 100%!
Ikkuntatjanagħal aktar informazzjoni jew aqra aktarhawn!


To calculate the value of a cleaning service, different variables must be taken into account, such as the type of service required, the time, whether the cleaner speaks English, whether the service is one-time or a routine cleaning is required. In Malta Elite Cleaning we charge per hour of service, and if the client requires cleaning products. We suggest requesting a quote according to your needs.