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Elevate the cleanliness of your residence with our professional house cleaning services available in your local area. We prioritize quality and thoroughness, ensuring your house is not just clean but also a healthy and welcoming environment. Choose our services for a home that sparkles with freshness

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Our experience enables us to identify the key cleaning tasks required for homes or any space. We precisely understand the areas that need attention and how to clean based on the type of service (deep cleaning or maintenance), the allotted time, the recommended products, and the results our clients expect: a clean, hygienic, and organized environment. The following is the list of the main tasks carried out in a deep cleaning and maintenance cleaning service:​
Neħħi għanqbut fil-kantunieri tas-saqaf;
Ħasil tat-twieqi fuq iż-żewġ naħat, twieqi;
Imsaħ il-bibien tal-ħġieġ u l-mirja;
Imsaħ il-bibien, il-frejms, il-puġġaman;
Ħasil u diżinfezzjoni ta 'gruppi sanitarji (madum taċ-ċeramika, faience, sink, banju jew kabina tad-doċċa, countertops, xkafef, ippurgar tat-twaletta, eċċ);
Scrub ħmieġ tas-sapun u moffa minn madum, ħalib tat-tikħil u bibien tad-doċċa tal-ħġieġ, inklużi l-ħitan kollha;
Ħasil u diżinfettar tal-kċina (ġebel ramli, faience, sink, mejda tal-kċina jew countertop);
Naddaf u illustra l-apparat tal-kċina ta’ barra (friġġ, magna tal-ħasil tal-platti, forn, eċċ);
Naddaf ġewwa u barra tal-microwave, toaster, kafè;
Naddaf il-fuklar u l-berners;
Tindif ta' plugs, swiċċijiet u għata; attrezzaturi tad-dawl, spikers, arja kondizzjonata, fannijiet tas-saqaf;
Trattament b'soluzzjonijiet protettivi ta 'injam, ħġieġ, aluminju, uċuħ ta' l-istainless steel;
Persjani tat-trab u/jew purtieri tal-vakwu tal-post ;
Żvojta t-trash, iddiżinfetta ġewwa tal-kontenitur taż-żibel. Ibdel l-inforra;
Aspirazzjoni ta 'tapit, parquet eċċ.;
Imsaħ imxarrab ta' l-art (parkè, ġebel ramli);
Ventilazzjoni u riħa ta' kmamar;
Itfi d-dwal kollha u ssakkar il-bibien.
(Mhux obbligatorju) - Naddaf ġewwa tal-friġġ, forn, magna tal-ħasil tal-platti, kabinetti, eċċ.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_- Mogħdija tal-ħwejjeġ;
Wara diskussjoni minn qabel, servizzi oħra jistgħu jitwettqu kif meħtieġ.

​6. Scrub soap scum and mildew from tile, grout and glass shower doors, including all walls;
7. Washing and disinfecting the kitchen (sandstone, faience, sink, kitchen table or countertop);
8. Clean and polish the outside kitchen appliances (refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, etc);
9. Clean the inside and outside of the microwave, toaster, coffee maker;
10. Clean the stove top and burners;
11. Cleaning of plugs, switches and covers; lighting fixtures, speakers, air conditioner, ceiling fans;
12. Treating with protective solutions of wood, glass, aluminum, stainless steel surfaces;
13. Dust blinds and/or spot vacuum curtains ;
14. Empty the trash, disinfect the inside of the trash container. Replace liner;
15. Aspiration of carpet, parquet etc.;
16. Wet wiping of floors (parquet, sandstone);
17. Ventilation and odorization of rooms;
18. Turn off all the lights and lock the doors.
19. Optional: - Clean inside of refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, cabinets, etc. - Ironing clothes;
After a prior discussion, other services can be performed as required. Book your cleaning service at least three hours in advance.
Adapt to all your needs
Honesty and efficiency of utmost value
100% quality guaranteed
Special training for each employee​
Avaliable 24 hours 7 days a week
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